10 Apr 2021

Overcome Abuse Motivated By Misandry

Overcome Abuse Motivated By Misandry

Is misandry real?Does misandry exist?The answer is a definite ‘yes' despite what some may say.

Misandry is generally defined as the hatred, dislike or contempt for boys and men.

Some abusive behaviours perpetrated against boys and men are motivated by misandry.

If someone expects you to endure abusive, manipulative, controlling and harmful behaviour because you are man, and they think they have the right to treat you this way because you are man!this is misandry.

Other examples of abusive behaviour experienced by boys and men, and often motivated, partly or entirely by misandry can include false allegations, domestic abuse, being forced-to-penetrate, parental alienation and paternity fraud.

Misandry motivated abuse can cause low mood, increased anxiety, overwhelming anger and severe stress.

I work with clients to help them express their emotions, understand their thoughts and explore solutions to overcoming the effects of misandry motivated abuse.

As someone who has provided counselling via private practice and a number of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) I am knowledgeable, skilled and experienced in working with these issues.

Some people don't like to think of themselves as having counselling, and that OK.It can sometimes be useful to view it simply as two people working together, talking things through and trying to figure things out.

To view my work addressing misandry, including the blogs I have written and podcasts I have featured inplease click here to view the blog page of my website.

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30 Nov 2019
Children and young people

Children and young people

Coping Strategies, Healthier Outlooks, Practical Solutions And Emotional Support

Children and young people can experience difficulties that can result in them struggling to cope with the journey from childhood, via adolescence to adulthood.

Exam stress, overwhelming pressure, unrealistic expectations and confusing feelings around identity, sexual orientation and more can leave many teenagers not knowing what to do or where to turn.

Bullying, bereavement and changes to the family dynamic along with unexpected traumas can leave many children and young people feeling distressed and struggling to function as effectively as they'd like.

I am significantly experienced in working with children and young people who have also experienced recent and/or historic sexual abuse in various forms.

I managed a service for nine years where I provided support to boys who'd experienced sexual abuse and managed a team of practitioners also working with abused boys and young men.

I work within thecompetenciesfor working with children and young people, as laid out by the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP) and I provide supervision to counsellors and other practitioners providing therapy and support to children and young people in various settings.

I work with children and young people (aged thirteen up) to help them understand and manage their thoughts, develop coping strategies and adapt their beliefs in a safe space, via a healthy therapeutic relationship in which they can express their emotions and explore solutions.

Part of counselling may also include helping children and young people to have a better understanding of why they respond the way they do, including looking at how the brain and body work.

Some people don't like to think of themselves as having counselling, and that OK.It can sometimes be useful to view it simply as two people working together, talking things through and trying to figure things out.

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15 Feb 2019


Manage, Reduce Or Eliminate Your Anxiety And Understand Your Anxious Thoughts

When we feel anxious it usually means we are worried about the future, believing something bad will, or is very likely to happen.This can have a negative impact on our relationships, get in the way of work and prevent us from living a healthy life.It can also result in an increased heart rate, headaches, stomach upsets and sometimes panic attacks.

I work with clients to help them understand their anxious thoughts and to develop coping strategies to reduce physical symptoms such as panic attacks.

I provide a safe space in which clients can express emotions and explore ways to reduce or eliminate the anxiety.

Part of counselling may also include helping clients to have a better understanding of why they respond the way they do, including looking at how the brain and body work when anxious and exploring what triggers the anxiety.

As someone who has provided counselling via private practice and a number of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to various individuals addressing anxiety I am knowledgeable, skilled and experienced in working with these issues.

Some people don't like to think of themselves as having counselling, and that OK.It can sometimes be useful to view it simply as two people working together, talking things through and trying to figure things out.

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15 Feb 2019


Most of us experience stress at some point in our lives.We might be struggling to trust our partners, perhaps we're trying to come to terms with a significant loss or maybe we're having difficulties at work or at home with the people we live with.

We might also be experiencing stress due to redundancy or because we're struggling to meet others, or our own expectations.

Sometimes we are able to deal with these issues without too many problems, other times we can experience the benefits counselling has to offer.

Stress is related to feeling pressured, either by others and/or ourselves and it can significantly impact our personal and professional lives.

I work with clients to help them understand their pressures and explore ways of managing emotions and implementing helpful practical strategies.

Stress can be very similar to anxiety, so I work with clients to help them understand their stressful thoughts and express their emotions in an appropriate way.

As someone who has provided counselling via private practice and a number of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to various individuals addressing stress I am knowledgeable, skilled and experienced in working with these issues.

Some people don't like to think of themselves as having counselling, and that OK.It can sometimes be useful to view it simply as two people working together, talking things through and trying to figure things out,

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Mange, Reduce Or Eliminate Your Anger And Improve How You Deal With It

We all experience anger, which is a healthy emotion to feel.

When someone has done something we believe they should not have done, or if we think we have been treated unfairly, anger can be a common response and can sometimes be linked to the physical symptoms of anxiety e.g.increased heart rate, tightening of muscles.

Anger becomes a problem when it is expressed in an unsafe and/or inappropriate way.This can subsequently have a negative effect on our work, relationships and home life.

Feeling angry is OK and really quite healthy, but it's how anger is expressed than can be problematic.

I work with clients to help them understand and manage their anger, explore the reasons and triggers behind this and identify safe and appropriate ways in which anger can be expressed.

As someone who has provided counselling via private practice and a number of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) I am knowledgeable, skilled and experienced in working with these issues.

Some people don't like to think of themselves as having counselling, and that OK.It can sometimes be useful to view it simply as two people working together, talking things through and trying to figure things out.

To read my blog on how men should not be berated for walking away when angry, pleaseclick here

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15 Feb 2019


Homophobic Abuse?Questioning Your Sexuality?Stressed With Coming Out?

Those who identify as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual (LGB) can experience issues specifically associated with their sexuality such as homophobic bullying, feeling isolated, finding it difficult to come out, family/friend rejection and struggles related to culture and religion.

I also work with those who are questioning or feeling uncertain about their sexuality and need some support to make sense of things.

I work with clients by providing them with a safe LGB friendly space to help them express and explore their thoughts and feelings without judgement.

I also help clients by identifying what would improve the quality of their life and by exploring how this can be achieved.

As someone who has provided counselling via private practice, Terrence Higgins Trust, Freshwinds LGBTQ Service Birmingham, and Yorkshire MESMAC to various individuals addressing various issues related to sexuality I am knowledgeable, skilled and experienced in working with these issues.

Some people don't like to think of themselves as having counselling, and that OK.It can sometimes be useful to view it simply as two people working together, talking things through and trying to figure things out.

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Process Unresolved Trauma And Live A Happier Life

Whilst anxiety is generally concerned with the future, trauma is generally concerned with the past.

When we experience traumatic events such as rape, abuse or being involved in an event which threatened our lives or our physically integrity, we can find it difficult to be in the moment and live our lives now.like we did before.

Intense fear, feelings of helplessness an unexpected intrusive thoughts that can be extreme and painful are common in those who have experienced trauma.

When remembering the traumatic event we may re-experience the same painful and terrifying feelings that we experienced when the event originally occurred!this is called re-traumatisation.

I work with clients to help them understand why they responded to the trauma in the way they did and to address how the consequences of the trauma are affected them now.

I also provide the client with a safe space to express their emotions and help them to be in the now rather than in the past.

Some clients find it useful to gain an understanding of how the brain and body responds to trauma.

As someone who has provided counselling via private practice and a number of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to various individuals addressing trauma I am knowledgeable, skilled and experienced in working with these issues.

Some people don't like to think of themselves as having counselling, and that OK.It can sometimes be useful to view it simply as two people working together, talking things through and trying to figure things out.

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Overcome The Effects Of Rape And Sexual Abuse

Experiencing abuse, whether it be recent sexual abuse, rape or violence, or historic childhood abuse can have a significant impact on our lives.It can cause anxiety, sleepless nights, low self-esteem and a number of other issues.

Some of us bottle up our emotions believing that this is the best thing to do, others turn to drugs and alcohol as a way to deal with the consequences of the abuse and block out the intrusive thoughts, and others attempt to take their own life.

Blame, guilt, anger, shame, confusion and despair can be experienced, and counselling can help clients to appropriately express these emotions and find ways of coming to terms with the abuse.

I work with clients to help them understand why they didn't respond to the abuse in a way in which they thought they would/should have done.

I also help clients explore ways of addressing the effects of the abuse that may be healthier and more effective than drugs, alcohol, suicide or bottling up emotions.

As someone who has provided counselling and support to children and adults addressing various forms of recent and historic abuse I am knowledgeable, skilled and significantly experienced and specialise in working with these issues.

Some people don't like to think of themselves as having counselling, and that OK.It can sometimes be to useful to view it simply as two people working together, talking things through and trying to figure things out.

To view my work addressing the abuse of boys and men, including the blogs I have written and podcasts I have featured inplease click here to view the blog page of my website.

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Reduce Your Depression And Increase Your Mood

We all experience low moods at some point in our lives and whilst sometimes the feelings naturally pass, they sometimes linger for longer than we'd like and before we know it we are struggling to get out of bed, not eating and finding it hard to see the point to anything.

We disengage from activities, become withdrawn and reduce the amount of time we spend with friends and family.

Some people feel sad and express tears, others report feeling numb and some consider suicide.

I work with clients to help them explore their thoughts and feelings without judging them.Some clients find it useful to explore the source of the low self-esteem whilst others prefer to focus on practical interventions that can help manage their low mood.

As someone who has provided counselling via private practice, Cruse Bereavement Care and a number of employee assistance programmes (EAPs) to various individuals addressing low-self I am knowledgeable, skilled and experienced in working with these issues.

Some people don't like to think of themselves as having counselling, and that OK.It can sometimes be useful to view it simply as two people working together, talking things through and trying to figure things out.

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